Seventh-day Adventism |
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has ministries to students on some universities and other tertiary education campuses throughout the world. Some of these are run independently of the official church. Two of these organizations are the Adventist Christian Fellowship based primarily in North America, and the Adventist Students Association based primarily in Australia.
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Adventist Christian Fellowship is a collegiate ministry of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.[1] ACF is the name of both the ACF Network, which is run by the Division, and of many individual fellowship groups, which are organized on a local level. The NAD Adventist Christian Fellowship Network was founded in 2005 "to build Christian fellowship chapters on public campuses that honor God and nurture the spiritual lives of students in North America".[2][3] Adventist Christian Fellowship groups can be found on public university and other tertiary campuses across the United States, Canada, and beyond.[2]
In addition to the NAD Adventist Christian Fellowship Network, the CAMPUS network, a ministry of the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and the Morning Star Christian Fellowship network, a para-church organization, also help to organize Adventist student groups on university and other tertiary campuses.[4][5] Most CAMPUS and Morning Star groups are also affiliated with the larger ACF Network.
The Adventist Students Association (ASA; website) is the best known Adventist student group in Oceania, and operates primarily in Australia. It runs socials, meetings, Bible studies and outreach. Each year, week-long "Convention" and "Symposium" events are held in Australia. ASA is run by students, with support from the church. It's local chapters include:
Other countries:
Additional Adventist communities of students exist which are not formally organised.
Other organisations and names include the following, some of which overlap with the above regions:[10]